Central Vacuum Motors

The central vacuum motor is a high powered, commercial grade electric motor that is connected to a fan on the axle. It is this high rpm spinning of the fan that creates the suction for a central vacuum, and allows you to remove dust and dirt from your carpet or other hard surface flooring. These motors are typically rated for 1200+ hours of use, allowing a homeowner who vacuums twice a week close to 15 years of vacuuming without the worry of the motor going bad. There are several different varieties of motors, rated for different suction, waterlift, etc. These varieties are installed in different units in order to offer homeowners a choice in the suction power they want. Typically homes under 6000 sq.ft. only need a single motor system. They are capable of providing enough suction even with the extensive piping throughout the home. When installing a central vacuum in very large homes around 12,000+ sq. ft. it is common to use a dual motor system. This way there is enough suction throughout all areas of the home. These different motors have been rigorously tested to make sure they are capable of maintaining high suction power for an extended lifespan.

Although there are many different manufacturers of central vacuum units, the majority of them use the same OEM producer Ametek Lamb as the supplier. They produce a high quality, high suction motor that is made to last, rather than a cheap motor that tends to break within a 2-3 years. It is this difference in quality and suction that sets central vacuum systems apart from portable vacuums. They tend to have two to three times the suction of a normal household vacuum, and also last 5 times the average hoover life of 3 years. These high quality parts are also the main cost components when purchasing a central vacuum.

Replacement of the central vacuum motor is also fairly easy, and does not require a lot of technical know how. Anyone who is moderately handy can replace a central vacuum motor in about 20 minutes. You can see our article on central vacuum motor replacement for a more detailed explanation on how to do this. Overall the central vacuum motor is a very intricate piece of machinery. Its high quality components and strict manufacturing standards lead to a product that is made to last. They can easily be replaced in any older central vacuum, prolonging the life of that unit indefinitely. If you are looking to replace a central vacuum motor for any brand, you can visit centralvacuumdirect.com. They carry top brands like beam, Electrolux, vacuflo & more.

Thanks again,
– The Central Vac Guys

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